You can definitely see a source of light that is not the sun. NASA has tried to explain that it is the diverse landscape that causes the shadows seen on the moon. There is also a strange picture from a moon landing where you can faintly see what almost looks like a stage light used on sets of movies and other films. There is also the world famous ‘C’ rock that can be seen on the moon. You can see a definite ‘c’ that has been written on the rock. This same rock is seen in two separate moon landing images.
And lastly, there is the theory of the world famous flag waving on the moon, well guess what, there is absolutely no wind on the moon. Scientist though many argue that the flag waves from the reaction force that goes through the aluminum pole makes ripples in the flag, but there can never be anything to debunk this theory for it proves that people staged the moon landings.
The moon landing were staged and filmed right here on earth and we have proof because we have proof from Buzz Aldrin, the unexplained objects, and from the waving flags on the