Unfortunately, this compels people to cheat the system if they are able to achieve the same results without adhering to the proper methods. In the encomienda system, encomenderos in the Americas would unnecessarily force war upon native peoples in order to obtain control and gain tribute, in turn expanding their own wealth. In our modern society here in the United States, we see similar cheating in our public education system. Teachers, instead of improving their methods to achieve results from their students, are falsifying test scores in order to keep their jobs, attain promotions, and expand their own wealth. In both cases the cheating process is uncontrollably successful due to the lack an effective monitoring system. Though not the case everywhere and with every teacher, those who do cheat the system in this way have essentially become the oppressors by failing to provide the students, who have fallen victim to this epidemic, with a sufficient education. In comparison to the encomienda system, the livelihood and prosperity of the native peoples that is destroyed at the hands of the encomenderos parallels the educational experience that is destroyed at the hands of corrupt
Unfortunately, this compels people to cheat the system if they are able to achieve the same results without adhering to the proper methods. In the encomienda system, encomenderos in the Americas would unnecessarily force war upon native peoples in order to obtain control and gain tribute, in turn expanding their own wealth. In our modern society here in the United States, we see similar cheating in our public education system. Teachers, instead of improving their methods to achieve results from their students, are falsifying test scores in order to keep their jobs, attain promotions, and expand their own wealth. In both cases the cheating process is uncontrollably successful due to the lack an effective monitoring system. Though not the case everywhere and with every teacher, those who do cheat the system in this way have essentially become the oppressors by failing to provide the students, who have fallen victim to this epidemic, with a sufficient education. In comparison to the encomienda system, the livelihood and prosperity of the native peoples that is destroyed at the hands of the encomenderos parallels the educational experience that is destroyed at the hands of corrupt