This rubric explains the elements of the prompt, expectations, and standards that should be included in the work. Scorers should consider the expectations for the targeted learner level when assessing student work. A student cannot achieve proficiency on this task if he/she receives below standard on any expectation.
|Expectations |Exceeds Standard |Meets Standard |Nearly Meets Standard |Below Standard |
| |4 |3 |2 |1 |
|Communicates effectively |Skillfully establishes context/storyline |Establishes context/storyline by selecting and |Attempts to establish context/storyline, |Does not establish |
| |by selecting and summarizing key ideas |summarizing key ideas appropriate to audience. |but selection or summary of key ideas is |context/story line. |
| |appropriate to audience. |W 10-4.1, 6.2 |weak and/or audience is unclear. | |
| | | | |Does not use precise or |
| |Chooses precise and descriptive language |Uses precise and descriptive language that |Attempts to use precise and descriptive |descriptive language. |
| |that enhances intent. |clarifies intent. |language.