Spanking is ineffective
Spanking; a form of punishment used by parents when children are not listening or are not behaving. Spanking today is a widely controversial topic due to many states becoming strict on copal punishment. As an ABC survey taken among parents with minor children at home, 50 percent report that they sometimes spank their child, while 45 percent do not. I think spanking is not an effective way for punishment because it causes relationship issues, teaches kids that “stronger” is better, and that it is only a quick solution for parents. A relationship between a parent and child is very sentimental and can be broken at any point. When children are spanked they cry and wonder why their parents are hurting them. “Physical discipline confuses parental message to children” (Spanking Children). Parents are supposed to be there for you, be your care taker, and not hurt you. “Hitting confuses the children about the role of the caretaking parent who is not hurting them; children feel best about themselves when they feel best about their relationship with their parents” (Spanking Children). When I was spanked as a child I would feel ashamed about what I did and felt as though my parents did not care because they were hitting me. The very few times I was spanked, my mom would always do it. My dad would be the quiet non-punishing parent. To this day if my mom is angry you know to stay away and go talk to dad, because he will be the calm parent and tell you what you did wrong or right. Spanking might have had an impact on how my relationship is towards my mom and my dad. When and if parents spank their kids they should be stern about it in the article “When is Spanking Child Abuse”? It states that when the dad of a 12 year old boy was in court for child abuse, the boy said that he cried when he was hit but his dad was crying too. When a parents cries while punishing it does not send a clear message that they are receiving a punishment. “Some moms that spanked their kids agree
Cited: "10 Reasons Not to Hit Your Child." Ask Dr. Sears®. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2013.
Belkin, Lisa. "Why Does Everyone Pretend There 's A 'Spanking Debate '?" The Huffington Post., 09 July 2012. Web. 30 Sept. 2013.
Ingram, Chris. "The Biblical Approach to Spanking." Focus on the Family. N.p., n.d. Web.
O 'Callaghan, Kitty. "Is It Okay to Spank?" N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2013.
"Spanking Children - Lucy Daniels." Spanking Children. Lucy Daniels Cener, n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2013.