Many people might say getting chastised never hurt anyone. However, some others might disagree with that statement, because some parent may overdo it and it turns to child abuse. So other alternatives were put into place of it such as grounding and taking away a child favorite thing, because when you look at it beating might not always be the way to go.
Should beating be a priority for parents and guardians to train their children? The bible says “train up a child in the way he or she should be brought up and when he or she grows old he would never part.” This means if your child grew up with no rules and morals he will continue doing the same when he gets older. Most people say beating can make u stronger they even say a little beating won’t hurt. Beating can also help lead children on the right path to become good law abiding citizens and role models. Getting beating never killed me and look where I am today, I am an aspiring Audiologist but not just me look at Martin Luther King I’m sure it was a possibility he got beating and look at the great man he is today. On the other hand, some parents get livid when their children do wrong and let their infuriation get the best of them. Children are left with broken bones and scars.
Did you know that in the United States of America passed a law that corporal punishment is illegal for children? They probably did this because parents over did it with the beatings and it became child abuse. However from what I know when Bahamian parents beat they talk to you n tell you what you did wrong. This make it seems like you have been getting beating for a very long time. Then the hug you and say I love you but I had to beat you because you were wrong.
There’s more than one way to train your child in the way they should be brought up. Most times beatings don’t solve anything. Grounding your child could be another way of punishment, maybe even taking away