The sparrow takes off from the branch he's been sitting on, gliding through the sky as the warm spring air passes through his feathers. He soon comes to a pretty apple tree just beginning to blossom positioned in the middle of a field filled with flowers of all types and colors; tulips, daisies, poppies, daffodils, lilies, and even some sunflowers that tower over all the other flowers. He lands in the tree and sits there, looking out over all the pretty flowers and the warm breeze blows by, ruffling his feathers as flower petals dance around in the air.
A girl walks into the field, looking for some flowers to pick and knowing this is the best place to come to for flowers. The sparrow doesn't notice her until she's right under the tree, bending over and carefully picking some of the daisies and daffodils that grow under the tree. He watches curiously, he's seen deer and …show more content…
She looks back down and forward, then starts to walk towards a small path the sparrow never noticed until now. As the girl goes past the treeline the sparrow takes off after her, quietly flapping his wings. He flies from tree to tree, watching as the girl walks and occasionally moves these strange things on her lower face into an upwards curve and make a funny noise that's he's never heard