Describe daily life in Sparta. Be detailed in your descriptions (government; rules of citizenship; slavery; military aims/objectives/practices/philosophies; trade with other city-states; rights/roles of women and children)
When these kids are 18,they had to go out and steal their food. If they got caught, it would result in harsh punishment, including being slaved. This concept was practiced so that a soldier will contain stealth and cunning abilities. At age 20, Sparta men had to pass a series of test that tested their physical skills and leadership abilities. If they passed, they would become members of the Spartan military and live with the soldiers. During their move, they can take their wife with them, but they cannot live with her. When they turned 30, they became full citizens of Sparta, which stated that they served in the army. They were still required to serve the army; however, until they were 60 years old.
The reason they treated girls fairly was because they believed that strong women produced strong babies, who would grow into strong soldiers to serve Sparta.
Milatary and War
Boys left their home at age 7 and entered military school. Their goal for this scheme was to produce well-trained military, which consisted of soldiers that were obedient.
Boys left their home at age 7 and entered military school. Their goal for this scheme was to produce well-trained military, which consisted of soldiers that were obedient. They were required to be taught boxing, wrestling, javelin throwing, and discus throwing.
Unlike the Athenians, Spartan girls went to school at age seven. There they were taught gymnastics, wrestling, and they did calisthenics, which were gymnastic exercises that developed muscular tone and helped develop their well-being.
Sparta’s government was mostly an oligarchy, a government controlled by a small group of people.
Their government’s biggest concern was that Sparta had a powerful military that would protect them from other countries and allow them to conquer over others.
Consisted of two kings, from different families(Executive)Below them were Elder(Gelosia) who were usually 60 or older and they answered to the kings.(Supreme Courts) The Apella answered to the Elders and they nominated the elders, The kings needed to get permission from the Elders, to pass a law. Tbe ephors jobs was to make sure the kings weren’t corrupt. 22
Slaves in Sparta were known as Helots. Helots were peasents in the Spartan society. They laid in between free men and slaves, which means they could get their freedom, but were often mistreated, humiliated, and even slaughtered.
Another class of Spartans were the Perioikoi. They didn’t have full citizen-rights, but they they were free and didn’t suffer as much harsh treatment of helots. They had served partly as a kind of military reserve, like a craftsmen and agent of foreign trade. Ancient Rome
What negative impacts occurred because of the expansion of the Roman Empire? Provide evidence that supports your claims that each of your examples are negative impacts.
To what extent do you believe the Romans were justified in expanding their empire? Provide two specific pieces of evidence that support your reasoning.
I don’t think the Romans were that justified in expanding their empire. Yes this showed that they were a powerful empire, one of the most powerful Mediterranean states, but they were set to get all of the land, just to make them wealthier.
Ex1: After the Romans defeated the Carthaginians in 146 BC; this gave the Romans all the opportunity that they needed to expand their empire throughout the Mediterranean region. Yes this is good for the people that are part of the Roman Empire, but the Romans are conquering a ton of land that belonged to people.
Main countries that were conquered were England/Wales, Spain, France, Greece, the Middle East, and the North African coastal region. Their expansion of the Roman empire had harmful effects that came with their will to conquer as much land as they can. Also, slavery took over the Roman’s economy leaving the working classmen in the dust and out of jobs. Next, tensions grew between their territories causing civil wars to erupt.
How were the Romans justified in expanding their empire?-
The Romans weren’t justified in expanding their empire because they caused tension and wars to be created in by expanding. Caesar created a civil war between him and Opitmates, or the Roman Senate who were supported by Pompey. It began as a series of political and military differences between them. Then, it went into a four-year-long war which were fought in Italy, Greece, Egypt, Africa, and Hispania. Caesar turned out to be the winner of the war. Civil Wars are never good for countries in which the expansion of their empire, caused Rome to do.
Spartan government was a oligarch, a government ruled by a group of people. Two kings ruled Sparta’s government. They were born into being kings, not elected. These kings lead the army in times of war. In addition, there were five Ephors that were elected from aristocratic families. Also, there was a council that created laws. It was made up of two kings and twenty-eight elders, which had to be sixty years old or older to qualify. An assembly made up of citizens that would accept or veto the law voted upon the laws made by the council. Roman Republic’s government was a lot like the United States, today. They had a democratic government, which consisted of an Executive branch, Senate, and Legislative branch. The citizens of Rome voted the people that were in each of these governments in.
In Sparta, both boys and girls went to school. Boys were enlisted into military school and girls went to regular school to advance their physical well being. Boys were required to be taught boxing, wrestling, javelin throwing, and discus throwing. On the other hand, girls were taught gymnastics, wrestling, and they did calisthenics, which were gymnastic exercises that developed muscular tone and helped develop their well being. In Rome, poor students were taught to read and write, but rich kids could attend private schools and learn their subjects more efficiently.
Slaves in Sparta were known as Helots. Helots were peasants in the Spartan society. They could gain their freedom, but were often mistreated, humiliated, and even slaughtered. Another class of Spartans was the Perioikoi. They didn’t have full citizen-rights, but they were free and didn’t suffer as much harsh treatment of helots. They had served partly as a kind of military reserve, like a craftsmen and agent of foreign trade. Slaves were important to Romans. The slaves were generally poor. They received cruel and inhuman treatments, such as being sold as prostitutes.
Go to the education and youth, school, school systems in the EU page. Pretend you are moving to Europe. Choose a country you would like to live in, and find out about basic curriculum, school calendar and daily schedule, teaching requirements (certifications), and graduation requirements. Evaluate your decision for the country you chose.