Imagine going through the wilderness, running low on food and at the same time having bullets fly at you. That is the work of the Special Forces in World War II. The Special Forces did a bunch of work. They were split into groups that went to different places or were just better at fighting in different conditions.
The Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) was a group that served in desert climates. These people caused more damage than any other british force equal in strength. They were just a small group that snuck up on the enemy and were highly trained. The LRDG had a big impact in North Africa in 1940. What they did is they were just like spies and went into the enemy's base and took information and reported it back to
headquarters. These militia men were experts in Guerrilla Warfare and were scouts. To get past some enemy lines they placed C4 under their trucks and blew it.
Small Scale Raiding Force (SSRF) were a group that really went anywhere they had to. Most of the SSRF went to Northern France and the Channel Islands to limit their army. It was created in 1940 by Louis Mountbatten.In 1942 the SSRF raided St. Honorine, but they were unsuccessful. They lost most of their group and one of their generals.
The US Marine Raiders went underwater and above water to fight. The US Marine Raiders were formed in February of 1942. There jobs were to replicate the jobs of the british commandos and other british forces in the Pacific. They were helpful around other groups… and specialized in hit and run tactics.
So can you imagine going through the wilderness, running low on food and at the same time having bullets fly at you. These Special Force groups have saved our freedom and were all in all pretty cool! So any time you see a vet talk to them and say thanks.