As a child Debbi loved to bake cookies. She got the baking bug and a "taste" for entrepreneurship at the early age of 13 while working her first job with the Oakland A 's baseball organization. An important lesson learned from her family was that everyone needs to feel important. When Debbi was 19 years old she married, a Stanford graduate, and found herself in the unsatisfying role of a housewife. She found it difficult when at social gatherings friends would ask what she was doing with herself and then the patronizing looks she received when she had no answer to give. At the age of 20, Mrs. Fields took control of her life and decided being a housewife wasn 't enough. She decided to open a cookie shop despite discouragement from friends and family. Amazingly she found a banker to loan her $20,000 to open her first cookie shop despite the fact she was young and had no business experience. So on August 16, 1977, Mrs. Field’s Chocolate Chippery first opened its doors in Palo Alto, California. Halfway through that first day she had not made a single sale, so Mrs. Fields hit the street outside the shop and started handing out sample of her cookies. By the end of that first day, Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chippery rang-up $75 in sales. Soon people were streaming in to the shop to buy more of her cookies. Mrs. Fields’ company motto "Good enough never is", says a lot about her business philosophy. She worked hard and customer satisfaction was a priority. As the business grew, Mrs. Fields was very conscious of her regular
Cited: Page Fields, Debbi, and Alan Furst. "One smart cookie" : how a housewife 's chocolate chip recipe turned into a multimillion-dollar business--the story of Mrs. Fields cookies. New York : Simon and Schuster, 1987. Print. Spiesman, Harriet. Debbi Fields: The Cookie Lady. Oklahoma: Garrett Education Corp., 1991. Print.