Client-Specific Factors
Before teaching it is important to know whether the client has any vision or hearing problems, and if so to accommodate to the client’s needs. Specific client factors that will influence the clients learning and the effectiveness of teaching include cultural diversity because by tailoring teaching interventions to meet the specific cultural needs and resources of the clients is key to improving outcomes through to client education (Arnold & Boggs, 2016). Age will play an important factor because the client is an adult so involving the
client as an active partner in learning process, encouraging self-directed learning, keeping content and strategies relevant and practical, and incorporating previous life experience into teaching methods will be most effective for my client. Socioeconomic variables are very important because my client does not have insurance and her income is limited so including strategies that are affordable to her will make a huge difference in that the client will not have to worry and stress about money. “I have to work and take care of Momma.” Instead of instructed to stay off her foot as much as possible. The clients level of education is not determined so it is important that while teaching it is at an appropriate level for someone with a high school level education. Finally, the client takes pride in looking nice so teachings that appeal to body image could be very beneficial since that clients insists on still wearing heels in order to “look nice” and “feel pretty” despite the painful ulcer on her foot.