Specific Language Impairment is a developmental disorder that may affect both comprehension and production of language in children; it is estimated to be prevalent in around 7% of population, which means that roughly one or two children in every classroom will be affected by this condition. Boys tend to suffer from SLI more often than girls. One of the risk factors is presence of SLI in families, which suggests it is genetically conditioned, even though there may be also environmental factors playing a role in SLI incidents (Bishop 2006: 217; Shanker 2002). Linguistic difficulties lead to problems with communicating effectively, and therefore adversely affect the lives of children and their families. Studying SLI may provide language therapists with more understanding of this condition and allow for more effective treatments. Moreover, as children can be diagnosed with Specific Language Impairment only when they have no other cognitive or physical deficit affecting their linguistic skills, SLI is therefore believed to be separate from other cognitive abilities. Better understanding of SLI can thus help with deciphering the very nature of language (see Shanker 2002 for a detailed discussion). This paper will aim to describe what exactly is meant by term Specific Language Impairment by showing how it manifests itself in children, how it is diagnosed and what the possible causes of SLI may be. Social implications of this condition will be highlighted and some solutions to those challenges will be offered. For the sake of brevity, linguistic theories attempting to explain SLI will not be presented in this paper, Guasti 2002 (chapter 11.1 and 11.2) and Leonard 1998 (chapters 11-13) offer a comprehensive review of these. The author has opted to focus solely on social aspect of SLI and its effects on children’s experience in the classroom.
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