The federal regulations on defining a specific learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes that are used to communicate language, spoken, or written and may affect the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to perform mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. Specific learning disability does not include learning difficulties that are the result of vision, hearing, or motor disabilities, intellectual disability. emotional disturbance, or due to environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage (cite)
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This theory combines data collected from multiple sources to determine a learning disability (Flanagan, Ortiz, Alfonso, 2013). The Cross-Battery assessment is a systematic way to establish a pattern of strengths and weaknesses that is, a theory impelled approach to a comprehensive determination that has validity and reliability when linking cognitive abilities to achievement (Flanagan, Ortiz, Alfonso, 2013). The necessary steps to take when establishing a pattern of strengths and weaknesses is first developed a hypothesis about the academic areas of concern and the possible area of cognitive deficits. The next step is to test students in Achievement in all areas of concern using two measures. If the Achievement is below an 85 then considered this an area of weakness. Then test all broad cognitive areas using two assessments. Determine if broad areas are cohesive then giving additional subtest to determine if the lowest narrow ability is an outlier to determine a weakness. However, if both narrow scores are below 85 and not cohesive no further testing is needed to determine that this is considered a weakness. If both narrows are above 85 then the broad ability is intact and no further testing is needed. Finally, adjudicate if your hypothesis is accurate. Providing the student has a normal profile and there is a cognitive weakness that corresponds to a weakness in academic achievement, it is likely that a student has a learning disability using the Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses