As an observant gentleman, it was fairly easy for him to take into account all of the clues in both Dr. Roylott’s bedroom and Helen’s Bedroom. With a comprehensive mind, it was simple and easy for him to make a hypothesis of who the criminal was. This mysterious novel was a foul play because of the true and false traces left by the murderer and found by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson throughout the story. These indications either lead the sleuths towards who the assassin was or away. The final mood shifts from petrified to happy, and the final tone shifts from challenging to uplifting. Helen Stoner will finally be able to live the life she wants, while Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson will continue to solve crimes throughout England. Sherlock Holmes is, and will continue to be, a cunning and brilliant detective throughout his
As an observant gentleman, it was fairly easy for him to take into account all of the clues in both Dr. Roylott’s bedroom and Helen’s Bedroom. With a comprehensive mind, it was simple and easy for him to make a hypothesis of who the criminal was. This mysterious novel was a foul play because of the true and false traces left by the murderer and found by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson throughout the story. These indications either lead the sleuths towards who the assassin was or away. The final mood shifts from petrified to happy, and the final tone shifts from challenging to uplifting. Helen Stoner will finally be able to live the life she wants, while Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson will continue to solve crimes throughout England. Sherlock Holmes is, and will continue to be, a cunning and brilliant detective throughout his