According to, the fraternity system grew throughout the early 1800s with the formation of Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi, and Delta Phi. The three made up what is now called the Union Triad. Moving westward into Ohio's Miami University, three fraternities were founded there: Beta Theta Pi, Delta Theta, and Sigma Chi. These would form the Miami Triad. These early groupings would later give way to a large expansion of the Greek system throughout the colleges for the better part of a century. In the 1850s, Alpha Delta Pi was founded as the first sorority although Gamma Phi Beta was the first organization actually called a sorority. What is a sorority? According to Wikipedia, Sorority and fraternity from Latin words “frater” and “soror” meaning brother and sister are fraternal social organizations. Well what is the purpose of a fraternity and a sorority? says, the purpose of Greek Life is to serve ones college and community with dignity and respect. Well there is a really good purpose to why colleges and universities have Greek life but there are so many stereotypes that Greeks have. states six stereotypes Greeks have and those are they encourage binge drinking and drug abuse, do not have personal space or time, they are only seen on TV’s, they haze, when you join you are simply “buying friends,” and lastly they do not benefit local communities. Although some of these stereotypes may be true, Greek life has a
According to, the fraternity system grew throughout the early 1800s with the formation of Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi, and Delta Phi. The three made up what is now called the Union Triad. Moving westward into Ohio's Miami University, three fraternities were founded there: Beta Theta Pi, Delta Theta, and Sigma Chi. These would form the Miami Triad. These early groupings would later give way to a large expansion of the Greek system throughout the colleges for the better part of a century. In the 1850s, Alpha Delta Pi was founded as the first sorority although Gamma Phi Beta was the first organization actually called a sorority. What is a sorority? According to Wikipedia, Sorority and fraternity from Latin words “frater” and “soror” meaning brother and sister are fraternal social organizations. Well what is the purpose of a fraternity and a sorority? says, the purpose of Greek Life is to serve ones college and community with dignity and respect. Well there is a really good purpose to why colleges and universities have Greek life but there are so many stereotypes that Greeks have. states six stereotypes Greeks have and those are they encourage binge drinking and drug abuse, do not have personal space or time, they are only seen on TV’s, they haze, when you join you are simply “buying friends,” and lastly they do not benefit local communities. Although some of these stereotypes may be true, Greek life has a