Summer, 2013 Tues./Thurs. 8:00-9:20
Instructor: Ms. Nancy Schulte Telephone: E-mail:
Office: Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 7:30-8:00/11:00-11:30
❖ To research, outline, and organize a public speech by tailoring the message to the audience ❖ To deliver narrative, informative, and persuasive, speeches ❖ To identify and respond to the interests, needs, and reactions of listeners and adapt to their individual, group, and cultural differences ❖ To critically evaluate and analyze your own and others’ communication ❖ To effectively manage communication apprehension in public situations ❖ To develop listening and observation skills as a speaker and an audience member ❖ To increase creative and critical thinking skills through the generation and development of speech topics
Textbook: Ford-Brown, Lisa A. DK Guide to Public Speaking, Boston: Pearson, 2012.
Attendance Policy: Since this is a performance-based class, attendance is mandatory. If your job or home-life will not allow regular attendance to this class, then perhaps taking the class when you can be more available would be best. Your will be allowed 5 absences without penalty. Then, 2.5 percentage points will be deducted for each class you miss.
Tardiness/Early Dismissal: You will be allowed one tardy and one early dismissal. However, after that 1 percentage points for each occurrence will be deducted.
▪ You are responsible for any missed material. ▪ Electronic devices: No lap tops will be allowed for note taking. Turn all cell phones to vibrate and turn off all Ipods at the start of each class. If you are caught using any electronic device, you will be marked absent. ▪ Make-up quizzes: If you miss a day when a quiz is scheduled, you will have one week to make up the quiz. It must be made up before the start of that