Specific Purpose: To persuade that winter time is better for health and it`s fun as well.
Central Idea: Many people hate winter time and can`t wait for summer, but they don`t realize all good things that winter offers.
Organization pattern: Monroe Motivation sequence
I. Arouse Attention
A. Who likes to sweat every time you go outside and take a shower three times a day to get rid of the sweat smell and refresh body?
B. According to article "Emergency Heat Wave Advice" every year 175-200 people in the U.S die from the heat.
C. Today I want to persuasive audience that winter is better than summer.
II. Demonstrate the Need
A. In summer time there are many mosquitoes which can spread diseases.
1.According to article Mosquitoes and Disease" “Even today, mosquitoes transmitting malaria kill 2 million to 3 million people and infect another 200 million or more every year.
2. Tens of millions more are killed and debilitated by a host of other mosquito-borne diseases, including filariasis, yellow fever, dengue and encephalitis”
B. According to Dr. Maoshing “the winter is a time to come back to quietness and rebuild your energy reserves.”
C. Too hot to sleep at night.
1. A lot of people can`t sleep because of the heat and it might cause health problems.
2. People sleep better in cold room and in summer time it`s mean bigger bills to use they AS system more.
III. Satisfy the Need
A. Winter is better for health than summer.
1. People are not in danger for heat exhaustion and dehydration.
2. People can`t get sunburn, that`s mean lower risk to get skin cancer.
3. Mosquitoes sleep in the winter time
B. Winter brings snow
1. People can go skiing and snowboarding
2. People can have snow fights and make snow mans.
3. People can walk on the freeze water and go ice fishing
C. Winter means Christmas and as well it means presents and cookies. The Christmas season, whether you are atheist or not, is the
Cited: "Emergency Heat Wave Advice." Emergency Preparedness - Disasters, Plans, and Survival. Web. 23 Apr. 2011. . Mosquitoes and Disease." Illinois Department of Public Health Home Page. Web. 23 Apr. 2011. . Ni, Dr. Maoshing. "5 Secrets to Winter Health and Energy." Yahoo! Health. Web. 23 Apr. 2011. .