. The word, spina bifida is derived from two words; spina meaning spine, and the word bifida meaning split or divided. Spina bifida is a neural tube defect that occurs when an embryo’s spinal cord, the surrounding nerves and/or spinal column fail to develop. This usually happens during the first month of pregnancy. According the article, Working with Spina Bifida, a professor by the name of Nicholas Tulp, “gave spina bifida its name and gave the first formative description of the disability.” This discovery is believed to have taken place between 1618 and 1652. It wasn’t until almost a century later that Giovanni Battista Morgagni, a famous Italian medical researcher and anatomist made the most significant discovery on Spina Bifida. In 1761, he proved the association of hydrocephalus …show more content…
and deformity with this disease Spina bifida ranges in its severity, symptoms and outcomes. There are several types of spina bifida. There are three types of spina bifida that are most common. In these three, very different types of spina bifida the range of severity are widespread. The article, Spina Bifida, states that the characteristics of spina bifida depend on the severity and may include; no noticeable defect, a lump or cyst on the back, curvature of the spine, club or deformed feet, paralysis, lack of bladder and bowel control, hydrocephalus, and/or mental retardation. The three most common types are: Spina bifida occulta, Meningocele, and Myelomeningocele. Occulta is Latin for the word hidden. Spina bifida occulta is the mildest form of spina bifida. This occurs when the outer part of a portion of the vertebrae is not completely closed. In most cases the split in the vertebrae are so small that the spinal cord does not protrude. There are usually no symptoms of this type of spina bifida defect. There may be a slight irregularity in the skin covering this area, such as a dimple or birthmark. Most people with this type of spina bifida are not even aware that they have it. Most cases are often found incidentally when an X-ray is done because of another symptom such as back pain, however back pain is not a symptom of spina bifida occulta. According to Spina Bifida Wikipedia, “The incidence of spina bifida occulta is approximately ten to twenty percent of the population” and rarely causes any kind of disabilities. Spina bifida Meningocele is the least common of the three types.
A meningocele is a sac protruding from the spinal column. This sac usually contains some of the spinal fluid and meninges. The sac may or may not be covered with skin or with the meninges, and does not contain neural tissue. It may be located near the brain or along the spinal column. The severity of this condition depends on where the protrusion is located in the spine. In this form the vertebrae usually develop normally, but the meninges are forced into the gaps between the vertebrae. With this type of spina bifida the nervous system usually remains undamaged. In most cases patients are unlikely to suffer any long term health issues, but could experience symptoms such as complete paralysis with bladder and bowel dysfunction. This condition often changes severity based on the location of the protrusion. When a Meningocele forms at the base of the skull, it is often more severe than a protrusion in the lumbar region of the spine. According to Spina Bifida Wikipedia, “Causes of Meningocele include teratoma and other tumors of the sacrococcyx and of the presacral space and Currarino
syndrome.” Spina bifida Myelomeningocele is the most severe form. This happens when the spinal cord has herniated into the protruding sac, causing a “gap” in the back. Neural tissue and nerves are usually exposed. The difference in this type and the meningocele is that the meningocele sac now contains neural tissue, and most of the times parts of the spinal column. Most babies born with this type also suffer from hydrocephalus, causing even more distress. The severity of this type comes from there being an opening in the spinal column. According to the article, Working with Spina Bifida, “This opening could allow neural tissue damage, swelling and infection into the spinal fluid and brain.” Surgery is often done within twenty four hours of birth to repair the myelomeningocele. If hydrocephalus is also an issue, a shunt is inserted to relieve pressure from the brain. As with the meningocele the location of the gap determines the severity. If the gap is in the top of the spine the child may not have the ability to walk, whereas, if it is in the lower spine are the child may need a walker or crutches. Children suffering from this type of spinal bifida are often associated with learning and attention disabilities along with bone and muscle problems. The exact causes of spinal bifida still remain a mystery after all of these years. Scientist suspect the factors that cause spina bifida are as such; genetics, nutrition, and environmental factors. According to the Spina Bifida Fact Sheet, research studies show that mothers with an insufficient intake of folic acid, a common B vitamin, play an important role in causing children to be born with neural tube defects such as spina bifida. The less severe types of spina bifid often go untreated, while the more severe types require surgery and a lifetime of complications. Research is continuously being done to determine more of the causes concerning spina bifida and different treatments plans.
Works Cited
"Spina Bifida." - Working with Spina Bifida. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2013.
"Spina Bifida Fact Sheet." : National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Web. 05 Oct. 2013.
"Spina Bifida." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 05 Oct. 2013.