Diane Scott
Liberty University
Spiritual Assessment Review Assignment
The article, “Self-forgiveness: The Step-Child of Forgiveness Research”, authored by Julie H. Hall, and Frank D. Fincham, is intended to promote further research into forgiveness. The article identifies the differences (along with the similarities) between interpersonal and intrapersonal forgiveness, and submits that more research has been done in the interpersonal arena, and less research has been directed toward intrapersonal, or self-forgiveness. The authors describe in this article, that unless an offense has been committed, there is no need or reason for forgiveness at all. An offense could be considered a behavior that harms another person; thus interpersonal harm has been done. An offense can also be considered intrapersonal, because any harmful behavior also hurts the perpetrator in some way, (when the offense is recognized as a harmful act) because the guilt that the perpetrator may feel affects his or her own self perception negatively. Behaviors that affect only the perpetrator, such as self-harm, would be considered intrapersonal. Self-forgiveness employs the idea that one must recognize the offense either to self or others, de-personalize the act from the person committing the act, and acceptance of the independence of the person from the act in order to come to terms with it-(the act was bad, I am not bad), and self-forgiveness. The self-forgiveness component relieves the individual of self damnation, and opens the door for positive progression in a more healthy direction.
This article also describes the positive result that could occur when self-forgiveness is achieved, and the possibility of pseudo-self-forgiveness, where the offender does not recognize the gravity of his or her harmful act, and is thus in a state of self-denial, where true self-forgiveness cannot be achieved. A proposed design model is
References: Hall, J. H., & Fincham, F. D. (2005). Self-forgiveness: The stepchild of forgiveness research. Journal Of Social & Clinical Psychology , 24(5), 621-637. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/ehost/detail?sid=175ab01a-ddba-48bd-85dc-4441c1b4a283@sessionmgr113&vid=1&hid=126&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl