Spirituality in Hospital
Most patients go through different healing processes such as Emotional and Spiritual healing process, these healing process are different and individual to each patient. Due to the uniqueness of each patient hospitals are facing challenges to treat their patients. Most hospitals are developing methods to overcome these challenges. One of the methods they are developing includes spiritual settings in each area of the hospital, and by providing Chaplin services throughout the day to the patient, family, and friends allowing practice of the individuals spiritual needs. This paper will discuss the healing hospital and spirituality, challenges of a healing environment, and how biblical passage Matthew 4:23-24 pertains to a healing hospital.
The Healing Hospital
A successful hospital patient’s healing starts from the entrance. The hospital doors should be open to anyone who enters through them to be treated with respect, dignity, in regard to their race, culture, ethnic or religion choices. When the patient arrives at a hospital, they would hope to see clean and organized areas, welcoming reception, or a person who will comfort them and ask their needs. All these are very important factors, but all these factors do not make the hospital a healing hospital. According to an article titled the “Top Ten Healing Hospitals” having a well-qualified staff that creates comfortable and trustworthy relationships with their patients can make a big difference in the healing process of their patients (Chapman, 2009). If a patient trusts their health care providers and believes they will get the best treatment, then their healing process will be faster. As the technology becomes more complicated and patients sickness’s becomes more complex, a hospital needs to have well educated health care staff, trained in the new and advanced technology’s to gain the patient’s trust.
A healing hospital is a hospital that can
References: Bradley, M. (2010). Uplifting Message on Healing. Healing Verses of the Bible. Retrieved from Http://www.bible-knowledge.com Chapman, E. (2009). Top Ten Healing Hospital. The Journal of Sacred Work, 49. Retrieved from journalofsacrework.typepad.com Clegg, A. (2003). Older South Asian patient and carer perceptions of Culturally sensitive care in community hospital setting. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 12(2), 283-99. Retrieved from http://ehis.ebschost.com.library.gcu.edu Geimer-Flanders, J. (2009). Rational and research overview. Creating a healing environment. Retrieved from Http://www.ccjm.org Zarren, H. (2010). Association of Healing Health care. Hospital as Healing Community. Retrieved from Http://www.healinghealthcareassoc.org