1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the Case
1.2. Spirituality
1.3. Ethics and Spirituality
1.4. Spirituality in Business
1.5. The Benefits of Spirituality
2. What does Spirituality mean to you?
2.1. Spirituality and Character
2.2. Let us discover how to recognize Spirituality in our Everyday life
2.3. Whatever makes us feel peaceful, joyful and content is Spirituality
2.4. Key points regarding Spirituality and Mental Health
3. Could Spirituality affect Ethical Behavior?
3.1. Spirituality and Ethical Behavior in the Workplace
3.2. Spiritual Individuals in the Workplace are Virtuous and Consequently Ethical
3.3. The Benefits of Spiritual and Virtuous Workers
3.4. Spirituality makes Life more Realistic
3.5. A comparison of Scholarly articles comparing similar values relating to spiritual individuals in the workplace
4. Is this topic Appropriate for Business?
4.1. Spirituality in Business
4.2. Mutual Exclusiveness of Spirituality and Profitability
4.3. Importance of Spirituality for People at work
4.4. The sudden Importance of Spirituality
4.5. People are the most Important Resources
4.6. More Examples on People as Most Important Resources
4.7. Protecting the Environment for Future Generations
5. What are the arguments for and against Inclusion of Spirituality in Business?
5.1. Arguments for inclusion of Spirituality in Business
5.2. Arguments against inclusion of Spirituality in Business
6. Conclusion
Executive Summary
Spirituality is the reflection of the soul, something that we must embody, reveal and manifest. It is not to be mingled with religion. It is the understanding of mere existence of self on the earth. It is the clarity of tasks and goals towards life and work. It is purifying soul for inner happiness, solace and tranquility. Workplace spirituality is a growing concern for an increasing number of organizations, employees, and job seekers. In today’s tumultuous
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