The importance of good exercise helps the cardiovascular system work on sudden changes on demand if an individual exhibits good exercise skills that help the pulse rate increase and decrease when the body needs it (AHA, 1.) The purpose for this experiment is to give the student the opportunity to measure the lung capacity of a student and to measure the pulse rate of this …show more content…
For example: The results of spirometry tests are compared to predicted values based on the patient 's age, gender, and height. For example, a young adult in good health is expected to have the following FEV values:•FEV-0.5-50-60% of FVC•FEV-1-75-85% of FVC•FEV-2-95% of FVC•FEV-3-97% of FVCIn general, a normal result is 80-100% of the predicted value. Abnormal values are:•mild lung dysfunction-60-79%•moderate lung dysfunction-40-59%•Severe lung dysfunction-below 40% (SSO, 2).
In the Schneider 's Physical Test, the subject final test score number was 14, whichMeans according to the guidelines of the test that if the final score falls between 16-14,This means the person is in good physical