Task 1 Links to learning outcome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.…
Phillip Chin and the Hurricane Island Outward Bound School are trying to find a balance between increasing revenue and staying in line with their mission and goals. They must find the ideal mix of course offerings and marketing efforts while maintaining school leadership.…
· The evaluation system must include measurable results for the appropriate outcome—cognitive, skill-based, affective, or return on investment—necessary to meet identified needs. Needs vary from organization to organization, so…
that looks at the broad goals of the project; here an evaluation plan format that provides a "big picture" outline is suggested. Identifying the "big" questions that the evaluation is to answer is the first step of the Project-Wide Evaluation Plan. One must then determine the sources that will be used to provide the information that will answer the questions. The next step is to address how the info will be collected or what will be used to collect the information. Whereas the Objective-Oriented Evaluation Plan, accomplishments or process evaluation and benefits to the recipients of service or outcome evaluation should be the two focus areas.…
This workbook focuses on the Assessment Criteria of the above unit. Your assessor will need to check your answers meet the standards and sign below…
Reference (Yuen, F. & Terao, K. (2003). Practical grant writing & program evaluation. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole—Thomson Learning.)…
CANDIDATES - Please submit this entire document (do not separate or remove pages) – with this page completed as required – and place at the top of your assessment document…
Your assessor will ask you to complete workbooks, essays etc to cover each unit of this award, which will differ, depending on which awarding body is being used. Therefore, the guidance answers enclosed are based on the ‘outcomes’ for each unit, which will support your knowledge, and…
2. The city was able to increase its funding to the school from $3,000 to 15,000 after implementation of the after school program showed improved graduation...…
This FHP template is to be used for organizing community assessment data in preparation for completion of your collaborative learning community (CLC) assignment. Address every bulleted statement in each section with data or rationale for deferral. You may also add additional bullet points if applicable to your community.…
Datta, L.-e. (1976). The Westinghouse-Ohio Evaluation of Project Head Start. Studies in Educational Evaluation, v8 n3, 129-181.…
The school improvement partner, they have had previous experience of school leadership or have worked in a senior advisory role in local authority. They will visit the head teacher three to five days each year, they work alongside the local education authority and will support the head teacher in looking at ways of developing pupil progress and school self-evaluation, which means not…
School systems across the nation rely heavily on bonds to support the instructional as well as the operational apparatuses of schools. The issue of voting bonds to support the overall school improvement process for school districts is critical and necessary. The process requires the support, commitment and involvement of all citizens within local communities. All students deserve the right to be educated in facilities and environments that are safe, sound and conducive for learning just as they need an appropriate instructional curriculum that meets their diverse needs. The students in the Dougherty County School System are not different from students anywhere else. They deserve to be taught in excellent learning facilities with a strong instructional program second to none. As a committee member, my task is to assess my local school community to determine “feel” of the community, whether they will support a bond referendum to increase taxes for the school.…
Prepare for the sponsor interview by reviewing the Initial Sponsor Interview form in detail and by reviewing the Project Charter template, which follows this first interview.…
As educators, we know, schools cannot do it alone. They need the help of stakeholders in order to improve the education of our students. With the help of community stakeholders and organizations, schools can focus more on the academics, while the stakeholders help meet the needs of students and families. For example, every year, at our school we partner with a local church that provides us with many great volunteers. These volunteers come into the school to do various things, such as reading with students, organizing the library, taking care of our garden, and putting up bulletin boards. Because of the help of these volunteers, teachers have more time to focus on the academics. Stakeholders also offer resources and services that a school may not have. Once a quarter we have a dentist come to the school and do simple dental work. This in returns helps the family and students. Overall, schools should make sure they use their community members and organizations as resources, and collaborate to help teachers meet the academic needs of students.…