Contact detail
Name of the Organization/Agency: Types of Business/organization:
Contact person: Designation:
Contact No Email address
Sponsorship detail a) Describe the event/activity/program you are seeking sponsorship for.
b) History of the event/activity/program, if it has been done before.
c) When is the date of this event and location of the sponsorship?
d) What is the reach of the sponsorship? (How many people will see, attend or are involved in the event/activity?)
e) Demographics of those attending/participating (i.e. the target audience)
f) Please specify any levels/hierarchy of sponsorship (title/co-sponsor/Brand mention) and costs associated with each level (share budget breakdown).
g) What is the maximum number of sponsors who could be involved? Please indicate other sponsors (if any).
h) What will be the TV exposure? Please specify channels and spots with duration of the TVC?
i) What will be the Radio exposure? Please specify channels and spots with duration of the RDC?
j) What will be the Press exposure? Please specify newspapers, insertions and size?
k) Is there any other media coverage? If so mention that media.
l) Share the list of communication materials (leaflets, posters, backdrop, ,festoons, banners, billboards etc)
m) What are the branding opportunities Robi will get? Please provide a full list of the sponsorship benefits for Robi.