“You are the handicap you must face”
James Lane Allen
Course Name: Natural science
Instructor: Dr. Wasan Al Taie
Submitted by:
Hatem Shukri Moaath Al Suwaidi Yasmine Al Arabi
111210041 121110033 111110022
Executive Summary
Sports influence life of peoples and nations , and play an important role and essential part for people on daily basis by creating an atmosphere full cooperation and affiliation, and strengthen the social ties for being an integral part of the public education process.
Studies show that regular physical activity with healthy eating habits, is considered the most effective and healthy weight control. Whether trying to lose weight or maintain it. It doesn’t matter what kind of physical activity that an individual make, whether by participating in sports, doing daily house task , or business-related work.
Participating in Sports have big impact on acquiring the ability to understand oneself and others, and how to deal with them and a sense of responsibility in building social relations and development for society as a whole. Sports connect individuals by feeling their mental and physical abilities.
In brief, research have indicated the correlation between physical activities and undergraduate/ high school students for different age group. The benefits of being involved in sports and the degree of influence on student’s grades, by reducing anxiety caused by psychological and social troubles despite the time consumed in performing the activity. This refers to find the right balance between sports and studies.
“Asound mind in a sound body, is a short, but full description of a happy state in this World: he that has these two, has little more to wish for; and he that wants either of them, will be little the better for anything else.” (John Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education, 1693).
Sports considered part of
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