Sri Bhagavan said, ”Without God in your life, you are an orphan.” Everything has a consciousness. Everything is well connected to the God Consciousness except man, which is why man is suffering.
When you are connected with God you do not need to look for answers anywhere else. The conflict of the mind will naturally cease on its own. The doubt will slow down as you begin to trust your God. The answers will start coming to you automatically. Inside of you, God will be guiding you throughout. This God will always be there like a warm hug or a dear friend that is always there supporting you. Having …show more content…
If you take God as unfriendly parents, nothing will come to you. That's why Sri Bhagavan say, “you create your own God.” Not that you are creating God, but the way God will respond to you. God is like the clay, and you are the potter. You can give the divine any shape you want. Observing the perception you’ve had of God until now. Is God somebody who is very slow in giving blessing? Is God somebody who tests you to no end before he blesses? Is God somebody who is expecting you to be pure and perfect before he gives grace? What image you have of God, God will respond you in that …show more content…
Since very early childhood they were divinely subjected to a highly esoteric mode of preparation through which they have developed this phenomenon of the Oneness Blessing. Their intense vision and passion to set humanity totally and unconditionally free is the intent that powers the Blessing phenomenon.
What does the blessing do? It results in a rise in consciousness of the recipient by initiating a neuro-biological change in the brain. It is also known to activate the frontal lobes and de-activate the parietal lobes, thereby enhancing states of joy, love and a sense of connectedness in the recipient. The Divine energy of the Oneness Blessing will help you break unhealthy troubled relationship patterns to create better relationships.
Sri Bhagavan said,”The Oneness Blessing is the divine trying to get closer to man. It's a force whereby energies are flowing towards man which we call the descent of divine and man also ascends towards higher realms of consciousness. And that's what the Oneness Blessing actually brings man and the divine very