Male Female
Age range:
18-25 26-35 36-50 50 and over
1. How many people live in your home?
1(you alone) 2-4 5-7 above 7
2. Are you the head of your home?
Yes No
3. What months do we experience hurricanes?
January-April May-August June-November
4. When do you begin making preparations to safeguard yourself against hurricane?
After warning before warning don’t make them
5. How many hurricane have you experienced?
1-5 6-10 11 and above
6. Which of the following preparation measures do you take?
Batten windows preserve food fill buckets with water
Secure valuables buy bottled water buy batteries other 7. How many categories are hurricanes placed into?
2 4 5 6
8. Do you do the same preparations for a tropical storm as a hurricane?
Yes No
9. How many hurricane shelters are there in Tabernacle?
0 1-4 more than four not aware of any
10. Are you aware if there is a disaster preparedness committee in Tabernacle?
Yes No
11. Who does the main preparation in the house for an approaching storm/hurricane?
You alone all adults in the home head of the home all family members
12. How do you obtain information about hurricanes?
Radio TV Word of mouth other (specify)
13. What do you think can be done to encourage persons to be better prepared?