1. Introduction 3
2. Birth to one year 4
3. One to three years 7
4. Three to five years 9
5. Five to eight years 10
6. Eight to twelve years 12
7. Twelve to sixteen years 13
8. Sixteen to nineteen years 14
Bibliography 15
What is child development?
Development is the acquiring of skills in all aspects of a child’s life, from birth through to adulthood.
There are different areas of child development, I will be looking at physical, intellectual, language and communication, social and emotional, and moral and ethical development.
Physical development: the increase in the bodies skills and abilities, such as gross motor skills, e.g. crawling, walking, jumping, climbing, and fine motor skills, e.g. grasping, pencil control, buttoning clothing, using scissors, as well as coordinating lips and tongue in speech and eating.
Intellectual development: learning the skills of understanding, memory and concentration.
Communication and language development: learning to communicate needs, feelings, desires and concepts with others.
Social and emotional development: learning a sense of 'self ', making friends and building relationships, expressing and managing feelings, learning the skills to coexist with others in society.
Moral and spiritual development: learning right from wrong, developing a conscience, evolving personal rules to live by, beliefs and values.
When looking at development one must keep in mind that children are individuals who develop at their own rate, among my own children my eldest son was two and a half before he was putting together sentences, whereas my daughter was talking our ears off by eighteen months. A child’s background will affect development and deprivation can have profound effect in all areas of development.
Birth to one year
The first year of life is a time of rapid growth and development, from helplessness to a
Bibliography: Carolyn Meggitt, (2012) Understand Child Development, Teach Yourself, London Louise Burnham , Brenda Baker (2010) Level 2 Certificate Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools , Heinemann, Harlow