But on a more serious note I did recognize the scene he was referencing which I thought was kind of neat. The scene that Reiner is talking about in Stand by Me is when the older boys are driving with two cars and Ace tries to pass the other car but the two are neck and neck. The other car assumes that they win as a giant log truck is coming the passing lane so Ace has to slow down and get back over. Instead of doing this he decides to play chicken with the oncoming truck. Eventually the truck swerves and Ace ends up “winning”. The scene in Rebel Without a Cause is the scene where James Dean’s character is playing chicken with Buzz. In their version the two drive towards a cliff and the last one to jump out loses. In the end of that one Buzz gets caught on the handle and can’t jump out meaning he falls to his death. On a side note I never really got this game as even if you win or lose your car gets
But on a more serious note I did recognize the scene he was referencing which I thought was kind of neat. The scene that Reiner is talking about in Stand by Me is when the older boys are driving with two cars and Ace tries to pass the other car but the two are neck and neck. The other car assumes that they win as a giant log truck is coming the passing lane so Ace has to slow down and get back over. Instead of doing this he decides to play chicken with the oncoming truck. Eventually the truck swerves and Ace ends up “winning”. The scene in Rebel Without a Cause is the scene where James Dean’s character is playing chicken with Buzz. In their version the two drive towards a cliff and the last one to jump out loses. In the end of that one Buzz gets caught on the handle and can’t jump out meaning he falls to his death. On a side note I never really got this game as even if you win or lose your car gets