1.1 What legislation relates to Health and Safety in your work setting?
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Other key pieces of legislation that sit alongside and support the Health and Safety at Work
Act are:
• The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992.
• The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (known as COSHH).
• The Manual Handling Regulations 1992 .
• The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
1985 (known as RIDDOR).
1.2 Do you know the main points around the health and safety and agreed ways of working in your work setting?
• Moving and handling of people and objects
• Personal hygiene
• Infection control
• Personal safety and lone working
• Fire safety
• Food safety and hygiene
• What to do in the event of an emergency
• Risk assessments
• Smoking at work
• Display Screen Equipment (DSE) for people working with computers
• Use of chemicals and waste disposal
• Security measures and visitors
1.3 Can you advice the responsibilities of, you, your manager and the individuals you support?
In health and safety your responsibilities are:
• Take reasonable care of your health and safety
• Take reasonable care not to put other people, including other employees and members of the public at risk by what you do or don’t do at work
• Co-operate with your employer making sure you get proper training and you understand and follow your organisation’s health and safety policies
• Not to interfere with or misuse anything that’s been provided for your health, safety or welfare
• Report injuries, strains or illnesses you suffer as a result of doing your job
• Tell your employer if something happens that might affect your ability to work, for example becoming pregnant or sustaining an injury
• Not to undertake any health and safety tasks that you haven’t been