ID: 1110587030
Course: Eng 105
Sec: 13
Date: 15/8/2014
Instructor name: Ms. Michelle Draper
2. Acknowledgement
First of all, I would like to thank my honorable faculty Michelle Draper, for giving me this topic to write a research paper on. I was always interested about this issue. Through my research, I could represent my concerns about this issue and find some answers. It was my first research work and it would have been hard for me to complete my research without help of my honorable faculty. She gave us suitable deadline in order to complete our research work and also in whole semester, she took update about our research work and gave …show more content…
us necessary tips related to our research work. Then, I would like to thank my friends Minhaz, Arnob and others students for giving me appropriate search link related to my research topic and also helping me carry out the survey properly.
3. Abstract
My research mainly focuses on the learning aspect of the standardized exam. Through standardized exams procedure we receive proper learning or n not. Many people and including me think this exam does not encourage us to receive proper learning. These exams are not bad practices, but have certain characteristics which are degrading and damaging students learning ability. Proper learning is crucial in every aspects of life, like in job sectors career. But the shortcomings of these exams contradict with proper learning which means using learning in actual situation. Students are more focused on memorization topic rather than understanding it properly. Students are more grades focused and they only give the exams in order to increase their grades. The findings of the research support the hypothesis. The findings show that students identify the major drawback of these exams and how these drawbacks negatively affect their learning ability. The secondary data findings also support my hypothesis.
4. Table of contents
Details page no.
5. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………. (1-2)
6. Background……………………………………………………………………………. (3-4)
7. Areas of Research……………………………………………………………………… (5)
8. Hypothesis…………………………………………………………………………….... (6)
9. Methodology…………………………………………………………………………… (7)
10. Primary Data Presentation & Analysis……………………………………………..... (8-16)
11. Secondary Data Presentation & Analysis……………………………………………. (17-21)
12. Limitations…………………………………………………………………………… (22)
13. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………... (23)
14. References…………………………………………………………………………… (24-25)
5. Introduction
A standard exam is a form of exam that requires all the test takers to answer the same questions pattern and a selection of questions among group of questions and then it is scored in a standard manner to evaluate or compare the relative knowledge of individual or group of examinee. In Bangladesh, standardized exams are used as measurement of two levels of education. One is primary level and another one is secondary level. Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) are the both standardized exam and they are used as measurement of primary and secondary level of education.
Every year a huge number of students take the SSC and the HSC exams. The result from these exams are telecasted and published in many communication mediums in our country. Examples like, television channels, newspapers and magazines etc. Merit holders in these exams are awarded nationally by the Prime Minister. To many, doing well in these standardized exams means that s/he will get into a good university and have a good career. Proper learning means ability to understand what he or she has learnt and use their learning in practical or actual situation. Standardized exam have been believed by many people as a true meaning of learning. Many believed that doing well in these exams lead to a good career, social recognitions and acknowledgements. Obtaining good scores in these exams has become a social status for the majority of people in Bangladesh.
But many evidences suggest that, many students do very well in these exams without proper learning. Purists have started to argue that the so called standardized exams do not measure intelligence and learning properly. To judge students properly standardized exam must have a good question pattern with questions demanding students’ learning ability. Question pattern in standardized exam include multiple choices, descriptive questions and these questions are completely from the books. Students have to read line by line and memorizing a lot to answer these questions without understanding the topic properly. Moreover the schools and colleges have set a syllabus in that way that can help students to obtain good grades but not proper learning. Syllabus of standardized exam motivates students for memorizing not actual learning. By memorizing stuffs students can easily do well in exam. In future, they fail to do well in their jobs and higher education because they memorize lots things without proper understanding and implementation.
Standardized exams are very biased procedure of exams .Government has negative influence on this exam. They always try to increase percentage of good grades unethically because it creates positive image of them in front of public. Every year, they always fail to prevent question leakage, supply of cheat sheet in exam hall. Examiners also quiet flexible whey guard in the exam hall.
Another problem is less accountability, instructors are not accountable enough to judge the exam properly. For that reason many unexpected results happen like good students get bad grade and bad student get good grades. Last of all, one can easily get good grade by following suggestions provided by coaching centers, private tutors, school tutors etc. For these many shortcomings, I think standardized exam do not promote proper learning.
People have perception that Standardized exam is an important assessment method. Result related to this exam is globally accepted which indicates that it is a fair evaluation of students proper learning. Every year standardized exams contain same questions pattern and instructions. The format is same for all who take the exam and everyone should have the same correct answer. Purpose of this exam is to evaluate examinee with the same standard manners. Standardized exams exist because exam scores are considered the only numerical component of an application that is common to every applicant. Exams scores are basically a common base by which all examinee can be evaluated consistently.
Twelve year primary and secondary education is evaluated by a standardized exam lasting 3 hours. Most of the subjects for this exam require memorization. Students have to memorize a lot without proper understanding because in a limited time they to answer all question. Standardized exams contain multiple choice question and descriptive questions. These questions are straight forward and completely take from the book. For these reasons, students are not encouraged to learn rather than they encouraged for memorization sits for
Question pattern in standardized negatively affects students learning in long run. Teachers are more focused on taking these kinds of exams not in proper way of teaching. Sometime teacher and many coaching centers take extra exams in return of money, which insure good grades in main exams. The examinees of standardized exams always prevent their thinking ability and more focus on memorization in order to get good grades. Because, memorizing ability is suitable in this exam. But in reality, the right brain skills, skills that are greatly required and used in the real world, for example creativity, analysis, reasoning and solving, are rarely evaluated.
It is very important to evaluate the students understanding. There is a mismatch exists between learning and exams. These kinds of exams contain limited time to answer the question. So students think how quickly answer the questions without using proper understanding and learning.
Sometimes exam papers of the standardized exams are not properly evaluated. Teachers have lots of exam paper for evaluations. So they do not go through whole the exam papers properly. On the basis of certain pages, they evaluate the whole exam papers. For this reason, exams results are not completely appropriate to judge students.
So, because of many lacking standardized exam should be reshaped in order to promote proper learning and evaluation.
7. Areas of research
My research paper includes five areas. There are meaning of standardized exam, shortcoming of these exam, effectiveness of standardized exam measuring proper learning, importance of grades in these exam, and relevancy of syllabus covered for standardized exam. In my research paper, I include ten questions related to these research areas. In my second question, I asked respondents the opinion about standardized exam. About 64 percent of students selected memorizing based exam which I was expected. I asked about three question related to shortcomings. They talks about suggestion required for amounts of subjects, question pattern and memorization required for number of subjects. About 49 percent students selected they followed suggestion for all subjects, 61 percents students selected multiple choices and descriptive questions and 77 percent student selected few subject for memorization. Three question results support my hypothesis. Then I asked about relevancy of syllabus related to standardized exam. About 69 percent students selected yes. This result contradicts with my hypothesis. I also asked about effectiveness of standardized exam measuring proper learning. About 59 selected it is effective in measuring proper learning. This supports my hypothesis. Last of all, I asked respondents about importance of grades in standardized exam. About 63 percent student selected, they focused on both grades and learning in standardized exam.
8. Hypothesis
From my research, I expect to find that standardized exam is not effective in evaluating student knowledge. I believe it has many short-comings. I think this exam do not encourage true learning. I expect to find to standardized exam more focused on memorizing and bookish learning. Most important component of standardized exam is grade or score. I expect to find grade does not insure good career. I think people have negative perception about standardized exam. I expect to find this opinion through my research. I expect to find materials covered for the standardized exam are not fully relevant.
9. Methodology
Primary research was done by conducting surveys on 39 North South University Students who are especially from BBA department. The survey contained 10 questions. Most of the questions focused on the negative aspects of standardized exams and the participants were asked to choose one from out two, three and four options. The main purpose of this survey is to identify problems related to standardized exam. Most of the survey respondents for surveys are previous S.S.S and H.S.C examinee. Because have practical experience related to this exam.
I took the help of online sources for my secondary research. I have collected seven online sources and all of them are related to negative aspects of standardized exams like memorization, proper evaluation problems, inefficient question pattern, and negative aspects of grades. I took article from online magazine, article from online websites, article from book etc.
10. Primary Data presentation and Analysis 1. How many subjects are required for memorization in standard examination (S.S.C/H.S.C)?
This graph deals with requirement of memorization in standard exams. X axis shows, all subjects, few subject and no subject and Y axis shows, percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see 77 percent students select few subjects, 18 percent students select all subjects and 5 percent students select no subjects. In this survey question analysis, I found that majority of the students select few subjects. The survey result is within my expectation that the standardized exams require memorization, though only for few subjects.
2. What’s your opinion about standardized exam (S.S.C/H.S.C)?
This graph deals with people’s opinion about standardized exams. X axis shows options like, memorizing based exam, practical knowledge based exam, conceptual knowledge based exam and Y axis shows, percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see 64 percent students select memorizing based exam, 13percent students select practical knowledge based exam and 23 percent students select conceptual knowledge based exam. In this survey question analysis, I found that majority of the students select memorizing based exam. The survey result is within my expectation because many students perception about standardized exam are similar to me, that it is memorizing based exams.
3. What kind of question pattern do you think standardized exam (S.S.C/H.S.C) contain?
This graph deals with question pattern of standardized exams. X axis shows options like, multiple choices and descriptive questions, conceptual questions, analytical questions, situational question and Y axis shows, percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see 61 percent students select multiple choices and descriptive questions, 26 percent students select conceptual questions, 8 percent students select analytical questions, 5 percent students select situational questions. In this survey question analysis, I found that majority of the students select multiple choice and descriptive question. For this type of question pattern, students have to memorize a lot. It is one of the main problems of standardized exam. The survey result is within my expectation because many students agree that standardized exam include multiple choices and descriptive questions and is very problematic for them because it requires lots of memorization.
4. Do standardized exams (S.S.C/H.S.C) effectively measure learning?
This graph deals with effectiveness of standardized exams. X axis shows options like, yes, no and Y axis shows, percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see 59 percent of students select no option and 41percent students select yes option. In this survey question analysis, I found that majority of the students select no option. Many also give some reasons why they select this option. Like requirement of memorizing, constant question pattern, lacking efficiency etc. The survey result is within my expectation because many students agree that standardized exam does not effective in measure learning.
5. Did you follow suggestion for standard exam (S.S.C/H.S.C)?
This graph deals with amount of subjects required suggestion for standardized exams. X axis shows options like, for all subjects, for few subjects, none of the subjects and Y axis shows, percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see 49 percent students select all the subjects and 46 percent students select choice few subjects and 5 percent students select none of the subjects. In this survey question analysis, I found that 49 percent of students select all the subjects and 46 percent of students select few subjects. Stiff competition exists between these two options. But either way, students follow suggestion for standardized exams and it is one of the major problems of standardized exams. Students read less and follow suggestion for standardized exams. The results of this survey question analysis match with my expectation.
6. What do you understand stand by proper learning?
This graph deals with people’s opinion about proper learning. X axis shows options like, achieving good grades, taking part in extracurricular activities, using learning in actual situation and Y axis shows percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see that, 18 percent students select achieving good grades, 23 percent student choice taking part in extracurricular activities and 59 percent students select using learning actual situation. Majority of the students select using learning in actual situation. These results support my expectations. My opinion is proper learning means using learning in actual situation. But syllabus of standardized exam is memorizing based. We cannot receive proper learning by following the syllabus.
7. Is the syllabus covered for standardized exam relevant (S.S.C/H.S.C)?
This graph deals with relevancy of syllabus in standardized exam. X axis shows options like, yes, no and Y axis shows percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see that, 69 percent students select yes and 31 percent students select no. Majority of the students select yes. They think that syllabus is important for their job and graduation. These results do not support my expectation.
8. Do you focus more on grades or learning?
This graph deals with preparation of standardized exams for good grades or learning. X axis shows options like, learning, grades, both and Y axis shows percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see that, 22 percent students select learning, 15 percent students select grades and 63 percent students select both. Majority of students select both. These results do not support my expectations. Students tell that they focus both on learning and grades. I expect that we all prepare for exam only for good grades.
9. Are grades important for job sectors?
This graph deals with grades achieve in standardized exam are important or not. X axis shows options like, yes, no, neutral and Y axis shows percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see that, 55 percent students select yes, 40 percent students select neutrals and 5 percent students select no. Majority of students select yes. These results do not support my expectations. Students do believe that grades are important for job sector.
10. What stage of education in our country, you receive proper learning?
This graph deals with education levels in our country where we receive learning. X axis shows options like in primary level (S.S.C), in secondary level (H.S.C), both, none of the above and Y axis shows percentage of number of students. From the graph, we can see that, 19 percent students select in primary level, 21 percent students select in secondary level , 39 percent students select both and 22percent select none of the above. Majority of students select both. These results do not support my expectations. Student believe the do receive proper learning in primary and secondary levels of education.
11. Secondary Data Presentation & Analysis Article in journal:
Brown, S. ( 2004-05). Assessment for Learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education , 84-87.
This article talks about changing nature of assessment of learning. It talks about different approach for measuring learning or encourage student for learning. She also talks about purpose of assessment and how teacher can motivate students for proper learning. She identifies short comings related to assessment, which prevent learning. Then this article talks about different types of shortcoming related to learning. Author talks about different types of technique that can improve assessment of learning. This article talks about assessment strategy. She talks about feedback procedure for assessments.
Yes, this source supports my hypothesis. Because it talks about lack of assessment of learning and also promote proper learning.
Sanders, W. L., & Horn, S. P. (1995 ). Educational Assessment Reassessed:The
Usefulness of Standardized and Alternative Measures of Student Achievement as
Indicators for the Assessment of Educational Outcomes. Education Policy Analysis
Archives , 4-12.
In this article, two authors talk about education system of schools and colleges and their lacking , root problem of education system and standardized exam. They also talks about measure problem of exam. They clarifies negetive aspects of standardized exam. They talks about cost, biasness and complexity about standardized exam.
Yes, this source supports my hypothesis. It talks about, negative aspects of standardized exam. It also talks about evaluation problem and complexity of standardized exam.
Kohn, A. (2000). The case against standardized testing: raising the scores, ruining the schools. Portsmouth: Heinemann.
This book talks against standardized exam and its procedure. In real life, these exams do not provide an objective measure of learning. Author also talks about pattern of exam and its shortcomings. He talks about grades and their social consequences. He states that these exams do not measure creativity, conceptual thinking etc. This article talks about purpose of standardized exam. He also talks about accountability related to this exam. Writer talks about impact of standardized test in real life. He talks about different types of standardized test like college tests, school tests, SATs and ACTs.
Yes, this source supports my hypothesis. It talks about, exam focus on memorization, low accountability of instructors and negative consequences of grades.
Article published only online:
Simmons, N. E. (2010). (De)Grading the Standardized Tests (Supplement material).
Canadian Education Association (CEA) . Retrived from
This online article talks about lacking of standardized test. Author tells standardized exam de-grading students learning . These exam lack Critical thinking and creative problem solving, those essential skills in our modern world. He clarifies that In fact, rather than assessing student and school performance, stan-dardized testing does little more than confirm the socioeconomic status of students being tested, and in doing so, it discriminates against certain schools.
Yes, this source supports my hypothesis. It talks about, degrading of proper learning, discrimination based on grades.
Stiggins, R. J. (2002). Assessment Crisis: The Absence Of Assessment FOR Learning. Phi Delta Kappan. Retrived from
This article talks about assessment to school improvement in meaningful ways. He also talks about current assessment systems are harming huge numbers of Students. He also talks about grades and learning. He talks about many problem of standardized exam. He talks about evolution of standardized test. He talks flaw of the vision of standardized exam. This article talks about estimation of powerful vision in standardized exam. He talks about teacher preparation related to necessary assessment techniques.
Yes, this source supports my hypothesis. It talks harmful effect of standardized exams.
What is the purpose of a standardized test? (n.d.).Testing Is Easy. Retrived from http:/ This online article talks about primary and secondary purpose of standardized test. It talks about syllabus, skills required for standardized exam. It talks about question pattern of standardized examinations. It also talks about ranking of schools, colleges based on scores. It talks about relationship between schools and scores. It talks about perception about standardized exam and its grading policy.
Yes, this source supports my hypothesis. It talks about ineffective and inefficient question pattern in standardized exam.
Chan, R., & Ormond, A. M. (n.d.).Case Against Standardized Testing andParental
Involvement: Debating the Future of American Education in theTwenty-First from
This article talks about exam system in twenty first century is not good. He finds that most standardized tests are now becoming more biased than ever before because many questions today require a set of knowledge and skills from students who have parents that are well educated, students who have attended a good preschool, and families who own a computer, overhear thoughtful conversations about current events, and have taken on interesting trips. He also explains political influence on standardized exam.
Yes, this source supports my hypothesis. It talks about negative political influence in standardized exams.
12. Limitations
There are some limitations in my project. I did not provide enough options in each of the question in my research questionnaires. I think, I could have included more options in questionnaire my questionnaire in order to get more efficient results. Secondly, two questions in my questionnaire are very much similar and also two questions in my questionnaire are quiet confusing. I found lots secondary sources in global perspective, but not much found in Bangladeshi perspective. My research was fully based on students. I could have considered parents and teachers. And lastly, I think, if I had more time to work in this project, I could give an alternative solution to the issue. The alternative solution might have involved in reshaping standardized exam that focus on practical knowledge not memorizing based knowledge.
13. Conclusion
My research mainly focuses on the learning aspect of the standardized exam. Through standardized exams procedure we receive proper learning or n not. Many people and including me think this exam does not encourage us to receive proper learning. These exams are not bad practices, but have certain characteristics which are degrading and damaging students learning ability. Proper learning is crucial in every aspects of life, like in job sectors career. But the shortcomings of these exams contradict with proper learning which means using learning in actual situation. Students are more focused on memorization topic rather than understanding it properly.
Student are more grades focused they only give the exams in order to increase their grades. The findings of the research support the hypothesis. The findings show that students identify the major drawback of these exams and how these drawbacks negatively affect their learning ability. The secondary data findings also support my hypothesis.
14. References
Simmons, N. E. (2010). (De)Grading the Standardized Tests (Supplement material).
Canadian Education Association (CEA) . Retrived from
Stiggins, R. J. (2002). Assessment Crisis: The Absence Of Assessment FOR Learning. Phi Delta Kappan. Retrived from
Brown, S. ( 2004-05). Assessment for Learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education , 84-87.
Sanders, W. L., & Horn, S. P. (1995 ). Educational Assessment Reassessed:The
Usefulness of Standardized and Alternative Measures of Student Achievement as
Indicators for the Assessment of Educational Outcomes. Education Policy Analysis
Archives , 4-12.
Kohn, A. (2000). The case against standardized testing: raising the scores, ruining the schools. Portsmouth: Heinemann.
What is the purpose of a standardized test? (n.d.).Testing Is Easy. Retrived from http:/ Chan, R., & Ormond, A. M. (n.d.).Case Against Standardized Testing andParental
Involvement: Debating the Future of American Education in theTwenty-First from
Begum,M., & Farooqi, S., (2008, April). School Based Assessment: Will it Really Change the Education Scenario in Bangladesh? Retrieved from