material and not make it a memorization game. Just remembering the information long enough to take the test will not help a person later in their life. If that person would have actually learned the information, then he or she would prosper more in what they aspire to do. Many students spend most of their time studying for standardized tests, and cannot focus on their other schoolwork. “Students in heavily tested grades can spend over 110 hours per year doing test prep, and as many as 50 hours per year taking the tests themselves, a total of roughly 15 percent of their instructional time” (Mulholland). With all this time spent, student’s grades may fall causing a great amount of stress. Stress is not healthy for a young adult to experience. All the time spent on standardized tests can cause a lack of sleep, amongst other things. These tests are harming a person’s mental and physical state. Standardized tests are an accurate measurement of one’s performance.
They focus on important, core classes and they show a summary of a student’s knowledge on these subjects. Standardized tests have multiple subjects to see how well a student does in each of the different sections. They also have different subjects so students will have a fair chance in getting a high score compared to all the other students. Standardized tests are not an accurate measurement of a student’s performance. Standardized test only focus on the main core classes, but many students excel in classes like business, art, or music (Hudlow). The students that do better in these different classes may look incompetent compared to other students. Even though these students are truly smart, just in different categories, they look the opposite because standardized tests do not vary
enough. In conclusion, standardized tests cause more harm than good. These tests are not an accurate way to measure one’s knowledge. They do not force students to think on their own.
The whole process of these tests cause emotional, mental, and physical distress for people. Standardized tests are not an adequate way to improve a person’s performance.