Oksana Sutton, RN
4 West
Standardized Interdisciplinary Rounds (SIDRs) were implemented in many hospitals in the USA and abroad for decades to ensure patients safety. However, this practice is inconsistent on the Medical-Surgical Unit at HMC. The health care delivers this kind of performance when processes are not standardized.
The present study was designed to evaluate the perception of randomized group of patients, medical and nursing staff in Medical-Surgical Unit regarding the role of SIDRs for improving patients’ safety and satisfaction. In order to comply with requirements of the research methods, different approaches to collect data were implemented to ensure the accuracy of the data. For example, the data was collected from a randomized group of physicians (3 hospitalists and 4 surgeons), 17 nurses from all three shifts (day, evening, night), and 16 patients from a different age categories and educational backgrounds. The survey, designed for participants, included the questions to evaluate their perception of benefits as well as barriers to the implementation of SIDRs on 4West.
What is good about this situation?
1. Patients, medical and nursing staff are supporting SIDRs.
2. Staff approached the idea of SIDRs with a patient-centered philosophy.
3. Implementation of SIDRs do not require a large financial investment.
What should be happening instead of what did happen? (How will I know if the problem is solved).
Physician comments were positive:
‘’ It insures that a nurse and a physician are on the same page.’’
‘’ I think, it is a very good idea and I support it. ’’
‘’ It will improve a team work and a patient safety.’’
‘’ It is a good practice.’’
Nurses commented with a mixed review:
‘’ Nurses are hesitant to follow physician during rounds.’’
‘’ Nurse is busy with other patient in an isolation room.’’
‘’ Nurse is unaware of rounds.’’
‘’ Nurses are intimidated by some physicians.’’
‘’ Nurses like to
References: 1. The Beacon. Multidisciplinary Rounds Making a Comeback. (2011, March 15). Retrieved March 25, 2013, from http://www.beaconcastmedia.com/lifestyle/Multidisciplinary-Rounds-Making-a-Comeback-2841 2. Michaels, C., Accountable Care Unit and Structured Interdisciplinary Bedside Rounds (SIBR) Program and Implementation Guide. (2012, July 24). Retrieved March 25, 2013 from http://emoryott.technologypublisher.com/technology/9856 3. HCPLive. (2010, July 22). Retrieved February 5, 2013 from http://www.hcplive.com/articles/multidisciplinary_rounds