Ecological sustainability means using natural resources wisely in the short run, now, so that there are still natural resources available in the long run, later. This is the referral to the capacity of the biosphere to meet the needs of this time, this generation while making sure not to hinder the needs of the future generation. This is also the belief that people must use the natural resources effectively and …show more content…
The guidelines for achieving environmentally friendly product design fall under that of the Guiding Principles. This starts out firstly with complying with all of the environmental, health and safety laws and regulations. Processes are then implemented with the best practices to do this job with continual improvements processes. There is a waste minimization process which is implemented in hopes of conserving, preserving, reusing, and preventing where possible. Whenever it is possible, materials are reused as to reduce the waste produced. Environmentally friendly materials and processes are used whenever producing and packing products and within the operations of the business as to achieve green products. The methodology used here is economic, social and environmental. The products are made sustainable throughout its life and commercial cycles, contribute to final user’s safety and contribute to reducing environmental impacts. Some of their green product designs include; Lawn Mower Exchange Program for 2014, Rightsizing Packaging, Stanley Oil and Gas – ECOSMART innovation and Stanley Engineered Fastening – Neobolt: Eliminating Metal