To begin with, George Lucas created "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope", a film with a vast and complex plot. When the film naturally became a success, the making of two additional movies (and eventually more) became required in …show more content…
References to Star Wars are a reccurent occurrence--phrases such as "May the force be with you" and "Luke, I am your father" being among them and in frequent use. Moreover, Darth Vader is one of the most epochal villains of all time. The moment of Darth Vader revealing his familial relation to Luke is one of the most shocking twists of film history. It's because of this that the appeal of watching the movies in production chronology is lost. America's culture makes references to Star Wars's storyline far too often for major plot incidents to be a surprise to an average movie viewer. Even if one hasn't watched a Star Wars film before, its storyline is too well known to the average American person. With this knowledge, it's simply a better film watching experience to watch the film franchise in narrative sequence because one is able to follow the sequence of events that occur during galactic timeline. Since it was first revealed that Darth Vader was Luke's father when the original trilogy debuted, the twist was most exciting for moviegoers who experienced Episodes VI and V first without prior knowledge. However, this excitement is lost if the most major turning point of the saga is already