What visual cues are used to imply the negative impression of school?
Visual cues such as the reinforced concrete walls separating a place of monotony and being imprisoned from the open world filled with freedom portrays negativity against schools as if attending school is being in-captured in such a world where freedom is non existent and no joy whatsoever is present.
Spikes above the walls possibly symbolize captivation as if whoever is held behind the walls is disallowed to escape and will be in captivity as if treated like ‘animals’.
The facial expression of the character gives the viewer a sense that the character him/her self is forced to be at school and is reluctant to attend. An expression full of solemn, tells the viewer to sympathize over his involuntary attendance at the school and to give help to such an unfortunate person who loathes such a place.
The contrast between the black and the white conveys the idea that school is a dark and evil place as black represents demonic concepts. White represents a haven where joy and happiness is existent.
The gates; one being opened and the other being closed only allowing entrance shows a one way path where entering is …show more content…
Also allowing them to depict the emotions, motifs and the various aspects of belonging and non-belonging. The cloud has been used symbolically to portray the concept of darkness, connecting to emotions such as somber, melancholy and down-heart. It presents the school as a diabolic site forbidding any positivity whatsoever. A cloud is known to be the boundary between the light produced by the sun and the pathway it takes to reach the earth’s surface. Clouds distinguish whether the day will be cloudy (symbolic for gloom) or a sunny day (symbolic for joy,