Travis Wilson Blodgett has been kicked out of his house residing with David Blodgett many times and all of those times he has been welcomed into our household and encouraged to live with us. He did not pay rent nor did he buy his own food. He was almost like my mom’s fourth child. He repaid her by coming into the room of his eleven year old niece’s room and molested her and this did not occur one time but twice. When I, Kylie Oakes the now seventeen, eleven year old niece came out about what had happened to me, I was scared about what would happen.
I believed that my family would turn their backs on me and not believe me. Almost everyone in my family besides the immediate family in my household have. They have all took Travis’ side believing he could never do something like that. When I told my boyfriend, Robert Horlick, about what Travis Blodgett had done to me he told me I needed to tell someone. I called my aunt, Brandy Runkle who right away told me to do nothing and forgive him. I feel like I am getting no justice in this situation with my family turning on me and the court system bringing down the charges to indecent liberties, as well as the deal where he may only need to serve 90 days with option to do it at home with electronic monitoring. Where in the beginning I was hoping for the 10 years. The point had come up that this was his first offense to he should get a deal but let me say this. If a man has no previous criminal history but he goes and purposefully kills a man, Is it not murder? Why is my case being treated like this grown man did not molest his eleven year old niece? I spent years in silence because I was scared and my bravery with coming out only deserves this? About a month ago I was sleeping in a bed and my boyfriend was
by my side, he put his arm around me and right away I woke up in tears from flashbacks of what
Travis had done to me. Constantly I am plagued with nightmares and