Before graduating from SUNY Cortland, I knew I wanted an opportunity to study Political Science with greater depth than my undergraduate study coursework provided. I discovered the field of Political Science around the end of my sophomore year. With a dual major, I often had to balance one course over another in order to complete the requirements necessary for both my Communications major and my Political Science major. I was interested in Political Science over Communications as a career, but I enjoyed how they complimented each other. All of my career goals were directed at expanding my experience towards a political career. After studying abroad in England, I found myself in the last semester of my senior year with little time left. I knew that I wanted to continue on to graduate school, and applied to DC area schools. I was accepted and planned to study at Old Dominion University, Virginia for the fall of 1999. The experience of study abroad opened my eyes to different people with different political ideas. I felt as though I had grown a new skin and I wanted the chance to gain a sharper focus on my career. I made the decision to put graduate school on hold temporarily to gain professional experience. My primary goal became graduate school and a full time career in the federal politics of Washington. I felt as though I hadn’t had enough information on where and what I wanted from a government career, therefore I worked a year in Kalamazoo, Michigan. A year in Kalamazoo allowed me to gain the professional confidence that I needed to lay out my goals.
My goals are both short and long term. All of my short-term goals are stepping-stones to my long-term goals. The short-term goals are simple, I wanted to move to Washington and I moved here in July of 2000. I have enjoyed a second time job part-time, to prepare financially for graduate school. I am volunteering with an organization called DC cares, to really get