CIS 3300
November 30, 2012
This research paper discusses the effects of several different factors on a student’s success in a Business Statistics course. The different variables include areas related to the student’s academic factors as well as factors related to the student’s personal life. The academic related variables are: course of study, study hours per week, semester credit hours, GPA, class year, semester and class time. The personal life variable is: work hours per week. All of the above listed variables are highly related to a students’ ability to succeed in a Business Statistics course.
The main purpose of this research paper is to determine which factors show the greatest significance in predicting a students’ success in a Business Statistics course. This study will provide valuable information to both students and professors by helping both to modify certain factors to produce a higher success rate in this course. This information could be used by students to decide what the best time of day would be to take a statistics course, how many study hours are needed or to decide which school year is best to enroll in the course. Professors could use this information to schedule their statistics courses at the peak hours of the day that are the best times to take a statistics course or to utilize as an advising tool to inform students that statistics should be take with a smaller overall course load.
The following section of this paper will discuss some of the results and information that has been found by other researchers on this topic. Then we will discuss the methodology that was used for this study, disclose the results that were found and discuss the effects of this information.
In 2012, there have been numerous studies conducted to analyze student performance in Business Statistics courses relating to varying
Cited: Dotterweich, D.; C. Rochelle. “Online, Instructional Television And Traditional Delivery: Student Characteristics And Success Factors In Business Statistics,” American Journal Of Business Education, 5 (2), 2012. Williams, A. “Online Homework vs. Traditional Homework: Statistics Anxiety and Self-Efficacy in an Educational Statistics Course,” Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 6 (1), 2012.