A. Statement of the problem
What are the common problems encountered by different small business enterprises?
B. Importance of the study By determining the common problems or difficult situations encountered by different small business enterprises, we can also determine the possible solutions or alternative in solving such business problem and to find or create actions to prevent in copping which such difficulties. Also we can take necessary actions for the problem will not worsen nor become a big threat to the business. It gives the owners especially the beginners the ideas about the business and the problems it may face in the future. It helps the business to become ready and the owners to be alert for the future business difficulties. In knowing the possible problems that may face by a business entity, we can consider which among the problems the biggest threats to business cycle and profitability are. It aware the owners about the strength and weaknesses of the business regarding to the problem. The owners can create plans and recommendations to solve the problem and to make the needed adjustments and improvement in the business.
C. Scopes and limitations The area of our survey is at the Biñan market (Pamilihang Bayan), Biñan City, Laguna. We had conducted a survey at the market section to the different kinds of small business enterprises such as the clothing lines, carenderia, cd vendors, fruit stands and footwear. We did 10 sample questions to each small business enterprises comes to the sum of 50 samples.
D. Methods and procedures We used the non-random sampling in choosing our samples. Under the non-random sampling, we choose purposive sampling which comprises our survey criteria. The owners must be sensitive and concern enough for their business. The specific number of business enterprises that we included in the sample is as follows:
Small business enterprises No. of sampling
Clothing lines 10