Strategic analysis business analytics department for CCResorts Central coast
Strategic analysis
BUsiness analytics Department
Executive summary
This study was produced on behalf of the Business Analytics Department at DGHG for CCResorts in order to examine market research and determine how the venture is progressing. The company provided a data sample from the past 12 months with 200 entries, each with 6 variables. The aim of this report is to evaluate the success of CCResorts in fulfilling their key performance indicators as outlined in their business plan, determines the clientele that are attracted to CCResorts and analyses the effect of different variables on the expected expenditure of the customers. The statistical analysis yielded several significant conclusions discussed in terms of their implications for CCResorts. The sample meets with key performance indicator 1 with over 40% of guests staying the full week. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that over 40% of the total population also stay 7 days at CCResorts. On average, majority of customers do not spend more than $255 per day at the resort. Despite this, there are certain demographics that are more likely to achieve a higher expenditure per day. Firstly, the age of the guest impacted their daily expenditure with customers who were older tending to spend slightly more than their younger counterparts. Furthermore, guests who stayed in large groups had a greater likelihood of fulfilling the second key performance indicator. Customers with an income over $100 000 p.a were more inclined to spend more money in excess of accommodation costs.
The central focus of this statistical report is to determine the success of CCResorts in achieving their key performance indicator (KPI) goals. Ultimately, in order to measure these successes the analysis should focus on determining the percentage of customers who stay a full week and whether or not the