• How is your issue investigated relevant to communication? Why is your issue researchable? What makes your research feasible and ethically acceptable?
• Specify the EXTENT of your issue. Where is your research done (which publication(s) is/are used, where (geographical boundary) will research be done); when will your research be done (and motivation for choice of time) and what is the nature of the time dimension?
• POPULATION Who/what is/are your target and accessible populations? List at least 4 population characteristics that you will report on in your findings. What is/are the units of analysis in your research? Are the characteristics and units of analysis appropriate to your research issue?
• Formulate 4 ASSUMPTIONS and 4 SUB-ISSUES based on relevant factors (eg population characteristics and units of analysis). Are your 4 assumptions appropriate, logically linked to sub-issues and the main research issue? Ensure the sub-issues are aimed at solving the main issue
• GOAL and OBJECTIVES Indicate what the nature of your goal is. Indicate the nature of your objectives. Why and how are your goal and objective(s) related to your main issue?
• Formulate 4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS which are appropriate and related to your main issue. Are your research questions linked to the goal, objectives, 4 assumptions and 4 sub-issues?
• THEORETICAL APPROACH Which theory is applicable to your research? Discuss that theory and indicate how the theory relates to your research issue. If no theory is applicable, have you defined constructs as operational definitions in your own words?
• RESEARCH DESIGN Specify the nature of your research design (qualitative/quantitative or a combination of both). Has the choice been motivated by explaining how the characteristics of (each) design (Sections 2.5.2