MATRIC NO: 08CF07632
10(Ten) Theses on political change in Nigeria
• Nigerians should be able to go to the polling booths with the assurance that they are safe and no sort of chaos or pandemonium will occur during the time they cast their votes.
• Nigerians should know that political violence is not the way to respond to their insatisfaction with political results, instead the use of dialogue is a better approach to solve their differences.
• Nigerians should know that anyone, male or female, man or woman that is above the age of eighteen is eligible to vote and be voted for without the fear of being harassed.
• Nigerians should know that politics in itself is not dirty but for the corrupt people that find themselves in those various positions of authority by dirty means.
• Nigerians should have it in mind that to curb corruption in their country, the first step begins from their homes; that is from the roots, the bottom; erasing the notion that the first step should begin from the leaders, the top; this single action if carried out by all the families will finally work its way to the top.
• Nigerians should be enlightened to the fact that positive political change will see the light of the day only if all the geopolitical zones, ethnic groups and tribes come together and unite as one.
• Nigerians should know that until men and women are treated equally; in as much as a man can hold a particular political position, a woman can too, only then can their political system move towards greater heights.
• Nigerians should know that, only when some ill meaning citizens that turn public offices to the personal vaults are brought to book as stated by the law, only then will the services of the public offices be felt by the masses.
• Nigerians must know that castigating or blaming some tribes or ethnic groups for the political instability in their country will not improve