Steinbeck also presents Crooks as permanent and doesn’t move around with evidence supporting this is, “battered magazines and a few dirty books on a special shelf over his bunk.” It show how he gets beaten down by loneliness and prejudicial treatment of that he is the only black man on the ranch. The word “special shelf” suggests the organisation in his home showing that he likes to be stationary and kept whereas it could also mean he has to stay there by the boss and also live alone rather than mixing with white people so Crooks has to live alone and makes full use of living in the barn.
B) His character shows us how coloured people were treated in the 1930's. It tells us that they were treated as second-class citizens and weren't worthy to share anything with non-coloured people, we know this due to Crook's having "his bunk in the harness room", I think that it is because his boss doesn't think it's right for Crook's to share a bunkhouse with the other men on the ranch, so Crook's is forced to sleep in the barn. Shows how everyone targeted him as inferior because of the colour of the skin. The separation of his bunk implies that because of his skin colour no one wants to sleep in the same room as him as they think that Crooks isn’t worthy of living with them and