The government has deducted its funding of stem cell research and lowered its spending. The government experiencing economic downturn really needs to lower its spending in order to prevent a longer recession, due to the stem cell policy the government can reduce its spending and get back on its feet. Over the past years, ever since the stem cell …show more content…
policy was implanted it has encouraged stem cell supporters to fund stem cell research themselves and provide the necessary funding for stem cell research.
If there was no stem cell policy then the stem cell supporters would not pay to support stem cell research, and this would lead to an increase in government spending, which in turn would create a bigger problem for the economy. The stem cell policy gives the government more options to spend their money on, since most of the stem cell funding has come out of the pockets of stem cell supporters. The money saved by not spending on stem cell research can be used to “[allocate] more of [the] generous federal support of medical research toward other fields” (Becker). Stem cell researcher’s uses the embryo (approximately four to five days old in humans) of a dead fetus in order to perform the experiments. Many “anti-abortion groups contend that embryos are human beings with the same rights and thus they are entitled the same,” rights as normal human beings (Fox News). The stem cell policy helps save human lives, due to the lack of funding for researchers it enables them to perform many experiments using embryos, meaning fewer humans killed. Supporters of anti-abortion agree with
the stem cell policy, “They believe life starts at the moment of conception, when a sperm fertilizes an egg, since a distinct organism has come into [human] being. Thus the destruction of an embryo is the destruction of a human life” (Fox News). They believe that the by implementing the stem cell policy it helps prevent more abortions and that the country “must reject practices that devalue and violate human life at any stage from conception until natural death” (Fox News).
If the government decided to repeal the stem cell policy and start funding and promoting stem cell research, then it would disturb the balance in the country. The stem cell policy helps keep a balance between the government and various religious groups. Many religious people in the country view stem cell research as unethical, if the government was to fund stem cell it could lead to many religious protestors. When dealing with stem cell research most people ask themselves, “can life be preserved at the expense of [another] life?”(Wade). The use of stem cells goes against the tenets of several religions, so if stem cell research was allowed it would create a lot of animosity from various religious groups. The ethical controversies of stem cell research prove that many individuals oppose it and the stem cell policy helps maintain peace in the country. Ethically, many people find stem cell research and procedures against their religion and personal beliefs, “If an absolute line is not drawn to protect the embryo, many grave abuses may follow” (Wade). The stem cell policy helps reduce the amount of embryo used, meaning fewer babies killed. The embryonic cells considered unstable can kill many of the brain cells and could lead to a growing tumor. The outcomes of using stem cells can harm many people such as organs that do not fit the specific requirements of the person, thus making it a risky decision to fund stem cell research.
The stem cell policy has many pros and positive externalities on the country. The controversy surrounding stem cell research has to come to an end. The repealing of the stem cell policy can drastically cause major consequences to the country. Without the stem cell policy it will cause the destruction of many humans, increase in government spending, and create chaos between the government and many religious people.