To define why adult stem cell research’s is more ethically sound and its track record is so far superior to claims made for embryonic stem cell possibilities to date and why this success will make better laws with more bipartisan agreement possible.
In as much has been spoken of the possibilities of stem cells in the regeneration and therapeutic uses for the human condition it is becoming evidently apparent from research advancement that stem cell research in all its forms can yield medical science with great advancements in disease prevention, recession, injury therapies of many types and medical treatments unknown to all of the generations that have come before us.
History and Background In 1961 over 50 years ago now two Toronto scientists Drs. James Till, a biophysicist, and Ernest McCulloch, a hematologist working in a cancer lab, published findings of their accidental discovery of the existence of adult stem cells, cells that can rejuvenate themselves over and over again. From that time of discovery until the present time stem cell research has progressed as a science discovery, to fear of the unknown to a witch hunt, a madman’s paradise where evil and unethical scientists were racing to create the next super race by cloning, witchery, human sacrifice and all while in the emotional turmoil of the both public and shadowed battle between religious beliefs, morals and ethics on one side and liberal and scientific progressivism, where the end justifies the means, on the other side. The history of this argument is just the extension of a much older conflict between conservative and religious values and the liberal progressivism that started surging in the United States in the 1920’s with the surge in teaching and administering case law in the courts during a time in history where the very beloved President Teddy Roosevelt felt that the United States Constitution was an
Bibliography: Link, A. S. (1959, July). American Historical Review Vol. 64, No. 4 . Retrieved from Luke Webster, D. S. (2008, May 7). Darby 's World - a blog. Retrieved from Darby S Webster: (no longer available online) Additional Interesting Media Information reviewed by Project Author