Group #5
December 4, 2012
Experiment 1:
Preparation of Culture Media
Erlenmeyer Flasks (2 pcs.)
Petri dishes (11 pcs.)
Cotton stopper
Aluminum foil
Masking tape
NA powder
PDA powder
Pentel pen
Stirring rod
Electric stove
Pressure cooker/ autoclave
Steps in Preparation of Culture Media: 1. Calculate the total amount of media needed for the experiment (15ml for plates, 5-7 mL for tubes). 2. Weigh the required amount of powder needed to dissolve in distilled water (based on the manufacturers specification in the container). 3. Dissolve the powder using the stirring rod, cover, cotton stopper and label. 4. Place in water bath (do not let it boil) to dissolve the powder completely (solution should be clear). 5. Sterilize in autoclave/pressure cooker for 121°C x 15psi x 15mins. 6. Let the medium to cool and dispense in appropriate container.
Note: in the tube media, dispense the medium first and then sterilize. 7. Wrap with paper and place in refrigerator (if will not be used at once).
Lay, Janine
Group #5
December 4, 2012
Experiment 2:
Normal Flora of the Body
Materials: NA plates Sterile cotton swabs Tube containing sterile water Alcohol lamp
Procedure: 1. Divide the plates into 2 sections by drawing a line in the bottom of the plates (except for 1 plate). 2. Wet the cotton with the sterile water then rub gently over areas of the body assigned each group.
1 and 2 – mouth , cheek, nose, ear, nape
3 and 4 – mouth, between toes and fingers, arm, throat
5 – mouth, ear, between fingers , nose, arm 3. Swab the agar plates direct with the cotton swab by simple streaking. 4. Label the plates and incubate for 24 hours. 5. Examine the plates (note the colonies).
Experiment #2Normal Flora of the Body | NA | Area Sampled | Color | Whole colony appearance | Margin | Elevation | Texture | No. of this type | 1. Mouth | Cream |