"The Platform for Action is an agenda for women's empowerment," states the first line of the Conference's main document. "This means that the principle of shared power and responsibility should be established between women and men at home, in the workplace and in the wider national and international communities. Equality between women and men is a matter of human rights and a condition for social justice and is also a necessary and fundamental prerequisite for equality, development and peace."
The 1995 Conference will adopt a "Platform for Action", analyzing obstacles to women's advancement and recommending steps for overcoming them. Both that document, and the preparatory work leading up to the
Conference at the national and regional levels, are intended to mobilize society to meet the challenges and demands of the next century. There is no law that prohibits women from ac quiring loans from banks or other financial institutions. Women’s associations and clubs have played a great role in assisting women to finance their income generating projec ts. Women’s group like Indigenous Women’s
Organisation, Women in Business and Skills Bu ilding, Multi-million Dollar Round Table have all played pivotal roles in br inging more women into the econo my as players to be reckoned with. The government through the MYDGEC is making in roads into the economic empowerment of women. The Gender Department received its own budget of $Zim800 million as opposed to previous years where it used to rely on vira ments to carry out gender