Stereotype: an assumption of what people are like, whether true or false. People are always judging each other based on the way they act, their clothes, their weight, etc. While at the races, I overheard this guy talking about this guy at the races. He was saying “Oh he reminds me of Papa Smurf and he needs to shut off”. This guy was waving his hat at the racers and shouting. By the looks of it, he looked like he was mentally-challenged, but not all the way. I wanted to say something to the guy but I didn’t. No matter …show more content…
At the races, I was put in a position where I didn’t know what to do. My friend was sitting at the other end and I wanted to go sit with them. I told my brother and he got mad that I was leaving him to go sit with my friend. I made a compromise where I sat with my friend for one race and went back to my brothers for the next race. He wasn’t as mad. I can’t sit for a long time so it was good that I was able to get up and walk to them. My days are different every day and I never know what I will run into. The night at Penn Can was an amazing time and I didn’t know what to expect. This is just a day in my life, now I wonder what my other days will consist of.
Works Cited
A Brief List of Sociological Concepts and Terms. (2014, May 2). Retrieved from A Brief List of Sociological Concepts and Terms: (2014, May 2). Retrieved from Sociology:
Henslin, J. M. (2004). Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. Boston: Pearson.
Yahoo. (2014, May 2). Retrieved from Yahoo Answers: