When I was younger, I typically played spot because I was younger, and I valued interaction with friends. Sport was a fun aspect of childhood, which both others and I found enjoyable and it became a chance to be with my friends, in what was then though to be a somewhat competitive environment, although it was truly not. I began to sport more seriously, when I began to play for a club, and winning started to matter, as although its focus remained on friendships and fun, its basis prepared both my teammates and myself for the growing competitive nature of sport as a teenager and adult.
What sports did you play?
Like many children I participated in a variety of sports which …show more content…
Why/Why not?
Since my childhood I have continued to play hockey on a competitive level, primarily as I have formed strong relationships with my friends and teammates, truly enjoying and participating in surrounding community. I find the sport itself to be a relaxing yet challenging environment, which continuously poses great enjoyment, however I stopped playing netball, as I was reaching a stage where I wanted to choose a sport to focus upon.
At what age did you fist play sport? I began playing sport when I was attending school, and the community continuously encouraged more participation with friends, and the school community. However I began taking sport more seriously when I reached Grade 3, as I started playing club sport, which encouraged a more competitive nature.
What made you decide to play a particular sport?
I found that I reached an age where I had to choose a sport to focus on, this I found was where I belonged more and could play better. Playing hockey, I found that I enjoyed the atmosphere, and community more so, due to being part of it for longer, I had formed real friendships with my teammates, and my brother also plays, which was a huge …show more content…
Although, children are also susceptible to peer pressure, therefore many play sport or games due to their friends and family, who already do. The enjoyment which sport poses, often also provides entertainment for children, whilst also learning and improving their skills, can provide those who are struggling with obtaining a sense of belonging. Although few children play sport for winning, many enjoy the sense of competition which sports pose, as many also enjoy recognition of their talents. Children are especially susceptible to sporting role models, therefore they aspire to be great at sport, whilst other’s desire to be fit and healthy becomes prominent.
b) What are the positive outcomes of playing sport?
Sports can provide children with a sense of belonging, they also have a lot of fun, and are entertained each time. Research also shows that those who play sport during their childhood are more likely to continue during their adolescent years, which ultimately decreases the probability of being overwight, and possibly experiencing the subsequent self esteem and body image issues. Sports also help children to develop essential life skills like discipline, teamwork, and leadership, alongside the motor skills, and strategic thinking which sports need.
c) What are the negative outcomes of playing