The message in the trailer Miss Representation, demonstrates and displays the negative representation of women and men in …show more content…
society today. The interviews and dialogue clearly state that women continue to be depicted as the weaker sex and viewed as a sex symbol. This is initially portrayed in the beginning of the film as a young woman erotically dances on car as well as images of women proudly parading in lingerie. In addition to the influence media has on women, there is also the influence on men. Men continue to be encouraged through movies and music to be the dominant sex. The messages conveyed throughout the trailer strongly attempts to convince the audience to blame media for its negative effect on gender and body image by providing strong clips of body shaming and interviews (Miss Representation video, 2011).
Media, in general is an outlet that influences and impacts the way people think, behave and feel.
People are surrounded by media through music, magazines, billboards, advertisements, as well as technology such as; television, radio, internet, and cell phone use (Maasik, S.& Solomon, J.,2015). Therefore, the messages that are delivered through these outlets become a major influence in the lives of both men and women. The film trailer acknowledges the power media has on what and how people should feel; as well as the way, they view themselves and others. The messages are delivered through clips of previous interviews, news headlines and videos of erotic dance moves. Also, the images and interviews delivered by common people not actors particularly high school students deliver a negative portrayal of how mass media negatively influences young girls and women. The points made throughout the video instills resentment and persuades the viewer to blame media for the impact it continues to have on gender roles (Miss Representation video, 2011). As years’ pass, an abundant amount of people still view women in stereotypical fascist ways. Although women have gained more rights and social freedoms, the media continues to depict them in a negative
Overall, media and its influence both have an invisible power that may guide a person’s emotions. Such influence is made through direct messages, icons, and symbols all of which are interpreted differently by its viewer. Some may even believe that the intended messages media delivers, controls behaviors and determines what is normal in society and what is not. Ultimately, it is up to the audience to make their own interpretations based on their knowledge, insight and cultural background.